WorkWell offers a range of flexible and customisable interventions to prevent and manage allegations of workplace misconduct such as sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination.
WorkWell consultants conduct empathetic and thorough investigations into allegations of misconduct, including sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination. We work closely with Human Resources and Employee Relations departments to ensure minimal disruption to your business. We will provide a comprehensive report to help your organisation make a fair decision.
The new Workplace Fairness Legislation has been passed in Singapore which mandates companies engage in fair employment practices without discrimination or harassment.
WorkWell offers interactive and customisable workshops to help companies remain compliant with the TAFEP guidelines.
This is a half-day (3 hours) or full-day (6 hours) workshop designed for all employees to build awareness on company policy against harassment and discrimination, as well as understanding best practice when interacting with our colleagues.
Every workshop is customised to the client’s own policies and procedures.
Our trainer will use real-life case examples to help participants understand how our behaviour may be perceived, best practice on respectful interactions with colleagues and how to be an active bystander by speaking up against inappropriate behaviour.
This is a full-day (6 hours) workshop designed for people managers and leaders to build awareness and practice management and prevention of harassing or discriminatory behaviour in their teams.
Through quiz scenarios and case studies, this interactive workshop focuses on practical steps for managers to follow when dealing with inappropriate behaviour in their teams.
The goal is to equip managers with checklists and cheat sheets that help minimise risk to the organisation when conflicts arise.
When an allegation of harassment or discrimination is made, it is crucial that HR teams manage the grievance in accordance with the standards applied by the Workplace Fairness Legislation. HR business partners can reduce organisational risk and protect their organisations from fines of up to SGD250,000 by responding appropriately, especially when it comes to confidentiality and non-retaliation.
This full-day (6 hours) training aims to equip HR business partners with awareness on anti-harassing and anti- discriminatory behaviour in the workplace, as well as provide detailed, step-by-step guides on how to respond to allegations of workplace misconduct.
Our consultant will customise this workshop to your organisation’s grievance management processes to ensure all participants are trained on the company’s own conflict management processes.
When is a report of misconduct a ‘grievance’ and when is it a ‘breach of policy’ that requires an investigation? When is it acceptable to suspend an employee? What if there is no witness to the complaint? What should an investigation report look like?
This full-day (6 hours) or two-day (12 hours) workshop takes a practical look at when and how to conduct investigations. We cover the process from the beginning (e.g. the management of confidentiality even before any interviews), the middle (e.g. what key questions to ask the parties to the investigation) and the end (e.g. what main sections should be covered in an investigation report/ what steps to take after the investigation outcome).
This workshop includes bespoke customisation to ensure the curriculum is aligned to your organisation’s grievance policies.
Our trainer has conducted many high-stakes investigations for companies in various industries and can therefore share practical advice for both experienced and junior HR investigators who wants to hone their skill on investigations.
Sometimes it takes an empathetic coach from outside an organisation to offer a supportive perspective to colleagues whose actions caused discomfort for others. As support to the HR team, we offer 1-on-1 coaching to employees who would benefit from an impartial voice to help them recognise the impact of their actions on others. We have helped high-performing individuals to grow from these set-backs to once more working collaboratively with their teams.
Meet us either in person or on virtual to tell us about your company and your needs and we will suggest the best intervention for you.
We’ll put together a proposal outlining next steps, with details on time and financial investment, so you can be sure our approach is the right fit for your company.
Once we’re agreed on deliverables we’ll work collaboratively with you to ensure your expectations are met.
The “Managing Professional Boundaries” workshop was successful and our goals to increase a wareness about professional behaviours were achieved. The main reason is that Susanna and Elizabeth’s style is very personal and most of the time it felt they were having an interesting conversation with the audience.
Head of Learning and Development
Singapore Based Technology Company
The “Managing Professional Boundaries” workshop was successful and our goals to increase a wareness about professional behaviours were achieved. The main reason is that Susanna and Elizabeth’s style is very personal and most of the time it felt they were having an interesting conversation with the audience.
Head of Learning and Development
Singapore-based Technology Company
The “Managing Professional Boundaries” workshop was successful and our goals to increase a wareness about professional behaviours were achieved. The main reason is that Susanna and Elizabeth’s style is very personal and most of the time it felt they were having an interesting conversation with the audience.
Head of Learning and Development
Singapore-based Technology Company